Saturday, June 11, 2011


Yes it is true.  I get a reprieve this Thursday.  The reason could be better but still I get a week off.
The reason?  Let me tell you.  On Memorial Day I was not feeling the greatest and I was correlating it to the humidity.  However by evening I was not feeling well even when I was laying down.  So Paul brought me to Emergency where we found my heart rate was elevated and blood sugar was in the 400's!  Normal is 90-100.  I was dizzy, short of breath. Very Tired and if I walked from one room to the next I had to put my head down on the counter otherwise I would have passed out.  I thought a short trip to ER they would say....can't find anything wrong go home and rest ended up being 4 days in the hospital.  Not fun at all.  Finally after a week of being home on oral insulin meds my sugar is down.  My heart rate was probably elevated due to my sugars being high but I still think there might be something going on with the ol ticker.  Any time I go for a walk I get pretty worked up so we'll see.  I go to my primary doctor on Tuesday.  I may be put on insulin I may not.  The steroids I get with my chemo drugs raise your blood sugars too.  So with my sugars being high my oncologist and I decided to skip this week of chemo so that I am feeling better and we get it all under control.  Then I have a CAT Scan on June 30th and my next Chemo is scheduled July 7th. 

With skipping this week of CHEMO any one scheduled for bringing a dinner can cancel.  We will not need it.  I will able to cook this week.  Thank You!

I really hope I am not a diabetic and don't have to go insulin but at the same time maybe that's why I was feeling so bad after chemo.  Only time will tell.
School is out for the summer.  The kids are excited.  They are all busy this summer.  Cheer camp, volleyball camp, basketball camp, football camp, flag football, Camp Geneva for two different weeks, Drake Family going to Silver Lake in July. it over yet.  Oh and squeeze my dr stuff in there too and that pretty much covers it.
Hope your summer is a great one!  Stay Safe!
Thanks for the prayers!