Thursday, June 27, 2013

Raining and cool, sunny and humid, twists and turns of summer

     Since my last post ,  I have had gradually worsening pain in my sternum area. And yes the doctor new about it.  The pain started out as a discomfort or like a bruise when you push on it.  And even though I'm active,  I'm no way in any type of shape or  condition of any sorts. Nor do i exercise routinely. So I knew I hadn't injured the area in exercise or any other way. Every three weeks when I see the doctor I would tell him I thought it was getting worse. Most recently I had an X-ray and it didn't show any abnormalities.  The pain is now effecting everything I do. Sneezing I try to avoid at all cost.. Coughing too. Lifting things I actually ask for help with now.
So now I have had a C.A.T Scan and I won't get into the madness it took to get the results because that made me really mad. The scan shows the pain is being caused by the pressure from the tumors growth. That's most plain English I can use for you. The liver tumors have grown and there's more of them also.
The game plan is to get this pain under control. So I am currently taking OxyContin . They will increase the dose as needed until its tolerable.  And that will be slow going. Wow that stuff is something else. Hard to believe there are people out there wanting to feel this way. I won't have any treatment until the pain is under control. My next one is scheduled for after July 4.  The 2nd part of the game plan is to decide if I want to continue on chemotherapy and beating my body up. No easy decision by any means.
I have a paper with questions for the doctor for my next appointment.
Please pray for me and my family as we begin down this path with many twists and turns .