Thursday, March 10, 2011

Paying for it

Wow!  I had the best 5 days after chemo ever!  The new meds really worked.  BANG! Not so fast Kelly.
I was feeling good enough to make my birthday treat for my work family and Paul drove me out there to share it with them.  I was tired but otherwise still thought I felt good.  Getting out of the house was huge. After we left my work we went to a store to buy a new pillow for myself.  New Pillow is understatement for the item I was using for what is called a pillow. Came home and took a nap. I still think I felt okay on Tuesday evening.  When I woke up Wednesday I was really tired.  By the time lunch time came around I was freezing and nauseated.  I thought maybe I needed to eat something and that did help.  I even ate a little something before taking off for ash Wednesday mass.  Going to church probably wasn't the best idea.  By the time we got home  I turned the space heater on left my winter jacket on and my hat.  Still freezing.  Took my nausea meds and went to bed after a warm and fuzzy blanket was delivered to me.  Now I have several bouts of diarrhea and chills off and on.  I want to eat but everything is going through me so fast.  Paul is working today and the kids are at school. Maybe I'll go soak in Epsom salts.  AHHHHH. Moral of story don't take more than you can chew?  I thought I could chew that much.  Today is a new day with snow flakes falling every which way from the sky.  Did I hear 50's for the 8 day forecast!  YIPPPEEEEE,
It's been pretty quiet at my house.  Not very many texts this week.  Hint Hint.
Pray for sun and spring time.
and healing of course
Peace my friends


Marcia said...

Oh Kelly...I'm so sorry the good feeling didn't last long. It was great seeing you this week, and the treat was sooooo yummy, but maybe you caught a flu bug. I suppose it's hard to tell what's making you feel so lousy. Hang in there, there's better days ahead.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, sunshine followed by roses are just around the corner.

Anonymous said...

For some reason, I am not able to sign into my blogger account...maybe it has expired...ooops :D
I hope you are staying warm Kelly, sorry I haven't commented before, I've been a little pre-occupied this week, but that doesn't mean that I am not thinking of you all the time!!!
~Melinda :D