Thursday, July 19, 2007


How is every one's summer going? I looked at the calendar and realized only 7 weeks and school will be starting again. How fast that is.
I saw the surgeon who will do my mastectomy and she referred me to a plastic surgeon and that appointment is next Tuesday. At or before that appointment I hope to have my mind decided on what type of reconstruction I will have if any. It the two surgeons can coordinate their schedules they would like to do surgery with in the next two - three weeks. The surgeon is very happy on the response the tumor had to the chemo.
I have not had chemo now for three weeks and I am gaining energy every day. My taste buds are returning and I am beginning to feel like myself again. I realized this when I started barking orders to the kids to start cleaning their rooms. :)

I will post again after my appointment next week.
Until then enjoy the weather and your summer!

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