Saturday, June 30, 2007

Round #6

Yes you are reading right. I am done with Chemo. I do not need the 4 rounds of a different chemo.
All the prayers got me to this point. How can the words THANK YOU mean enough? Tears flow like a water fountain trying to express appreciation to you all that have prayed and thought of me and my family during this difficult journey.
The tumor has shrunk so much that it can not be felt by me or the doctor. I have an appointment in three weeks with the surgeon. I will then need to see a plastic surgeon also. I will not be having surgery for at least 5 weeks. 5 weeks it the recovery time needed from chemo. All exciting news.
This last round Paul says was the hardest on me. But I won't talk about that cause today is Saturday and I feel like the road to recovery is in front of me.
Yesterday I did a Survivior Lap in Lowell for relay for life. Lois(mom) was part of Curves' team. I called her at 11 am and told her I wasn't going to make it but then I called her at 3 and said I'd try. Let me tell you that is an emotional thing. And how fitting for it to be on the friday of my last week of chemo. The kids were in awe too. It was good for them to see that others suffer from this disease too and SURVIVE!
Thank you again and I will still post since the journey is still continuing.
Peace to you all!


Anonymous said...

Kelly I am so happy for you! I haven't been on here in awhile, I had my baby girl on the 23rd, the power of prayer is a good thing :)
I can't wait to hear how well you are doing now that your chemo is done! Are they doing anything about the thyroid? My mom had surgery on hers about 15 years ago and now she is on medicine for it, but keeps it in control! Good luck meeting with the surgeon, that should be good times! :) I'll keep you in my prayers still, because I know that the road is still continuing, but in the right direction!

Anonymous said...

Hey Wax,

It was good hearing your voice on my machine this morning when I got into the office. It seems like only yesterday when you were a sophomore at Northview and I was your student-teacher. What a great way for me to start my career off, and you were the leader of the pack. We sure had some great times and I always appreciated your easy manner getting along with everyone. Even when I moved out of state, Wax, you were the one to organize get togethers with the gang. What a blast. I will never forget those fun times.

I'm so sorry to hear of your recent struggles. You are a fighter and you have "PMA" in your blood. Enjoy your getaway this week and I am looking forward to getting together for lunch and conversation.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Have a great day and I know you are enjoying the splendor of nature on your trip.

Peace to you my friend.

Linda Nash.