Friday, July 29, 2011

Round # 5 Complete

Today I completed round #5.  And it took 5 months from 2007 and 6 months in 2011 to have an appointment go pretty much on schedule.  Once I was hooked up to my meds I was in and out of there in record time.  I believe 10-1 on meds. Lab draw and doctor appointment was a little slow but not terrible. So a pretty good (if you can call it that) day.  Sure does wonders for a patients attitude.  The doctors appointment was quick.  Just asking how side effects are treating you and if you need any refills on medications. My blood sugars are in normal range  with the diabetic meds I am.  I hope in 3 weeks I will be able to come off of those to see if it will regulate with out them.  I also asked for stronger pain meds for the bone pain that sits in before night fall and gets pretty bad for the next 4 days.  I took a vicodin 7 hundred or so and I'm still awake...what the?  Oh well I'm updating my blog and eating a salad. :)
     July has flew by.  Nice weather has probably made it feel that way.  Or busy kids could have done it too.  Rachel's still doing horse back riding lessons and sometimes works at the barn. Emily finished the summer swim team but now started water polo lessons two days a week.  James is at Camp Geneva for the week for the first time.  Mom is anxiously waiting for him to get home.  Two days of storms in his week. He usually sleeps through everything but his mommy is always here for him! And with all of that activity and my treatments we found time to send the kids with Auntie Ann (Paul's sister) and her two daughters to the U.P. for 10 days touring the beautiful upper Michigan and learning about where their Grandma and Grandpa Anglim lived.  And a few stories were shared about their daddy's childhood too. They had a great time. Then after they were home for 4 days we met up a my siblings minus one brother and his family, and my parents at Silver Lake. IT was a tad hot but it was fun. James is starting a golf class next week, Emily will have water polo still and Rachel riding lessons.  Then Emily will go to camp Geneva the next week.  I think we will be down to 4 or 3 weeks left of summer when all is said and done.
      Paul has about 3 weeks left of normalcy and then he will begin his business big time.  He will begin teaching at GRCC  an evening class. He will also teach at downtown campus for Ferris for a week. He will also be teaching in Big Rapids one day a week.
Thanks for the comments, prayers, thoughts, dinners, drives to treatment, visits and phone calls.  They all help in the healing process.
Family and Friends Forever



Sheldon express..This is our life said...

Kelly, I am thinking of you all!!!

Sheila said...

good to hear what you have been up to. glad to hear #5done. you are all always in our prayers. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good fight - thanks for the update

Emily said...

I bet ur ready ti send us off to school so u can take naps in the nice quiet and peaceful house.:)

Love ,