Monday, September 12, 2011


Well I said I  would update my blog after my chemo today  but I really don't  have anything to update you on.  I have a few  things so here they are.
I had a doctors appointment    last Thursday. This appointment was a routine appointment that is usually done before my chemo treatment.  I had my chemo appointment switched to Mondays for September because we have a wedding to go to at the end of September. IF I had my chemo on the Thursday before the wedding I knew I wouldn't feel good travelling out of town.  So I asked for Monday afterwards.  So back to the doctors appointment.  I checked in what I thought to be 30 minutes early, they want you 15 minutes early. When she said I was early , I was 45 minutes early.  AND the doctor is running an hour behind...UGGG.  So I finally got called back 2 hours after my scheduled time.  I complained that my toes were now completely numb..which  is neuropothy...a common side effect from chemo.  And I complained about right hip pain.  This has been bothering me and slowly getting more prominent the last two -4 weeks.
Dr said well lets cancel your chemo on Monday, I want to put you on a new drug and I want to send you to the Radiologist to see what we can do about that hip pain.   HUH?   So I left being confused and went to see my chemo nurse and she explained   to me that the radiologist will do any test to determine if I need radiation.  All right that makes sense.   Thank goodness I thought of talking to her .  My brain just could not think fast enough to ask the Dr right then and there.  And the Dr does give me a chance to ask questions.  I just couldn't think of any.
And he scheduled me for a CAT scan. So Friday I received phone calls that both appointment would be Monday (today).  But of course even though they were at the same building they were 4 hours apart.
I arrived early enough before my CAT scan to have the chemo nurse access my port because they are just better at it then anyone else.  I then headed to the floor  where I had to have my CAT scan and registered and filled out paperwork and drink my lovely juice.  And then there was a nurse in front of me before I even started on my juice.  I said:you're ready for me already....30 minutes early...she said not exactly. I looked at her confused and she have to go back upstairs they didn't use the right needle for a CAT scan....NOWAY  you got to be kidding.  Sure enough  back upstairs I went. The nurse that did it was so apologetic. I hugged her and said I forgave her. The rest of the scan went with out a hitch.    We went to lunch and then headed to the dr appointment with the radiologist.  He couldn't tell us anything because we hadn't had any test on my hip.   He thought my oncologist scheduled something and my oncologist thought he would let the radiologist decide what test he wanted to do.  So now I 'm having another CAT scan on my hip.  The other scan just covered my chest and abdomen.   My chemo is scheduled for Thursday and this drug I need to have on Thursdays once a week for two weeks in a row then off a week then another treatment. Off a week and then back  to the  beginning I think.  I'll find out Thursday for sure.  This will not mess up the traveling for the wedding as my old schedule would have.
Wow  that was more than I thought.
Paul's teaching m w  nights and all  day on Fridays. James has football t and  Thursdays and  games on  Saturdays.  Rachel is doing gymnastics to get ready for winter competitive cheer and Emily will be doing swim stroke clinics on Saturday starting in October. Mom will just try to keep up with everyone.
If I can ask a favor please pray for good results from the CAT scan today and for the one I will have whenever they schedule it.  And Two pray that this  new drug I will be having  for Chemo is as good as they say it is.
Thanks again for all the support through everything you have done.
Love and Peace to you


Sheldon express..This is our life said...

You know I am praying for you! I have been checking every chance I got tonight to see if you had updated! Thank you for doing so!! Let me know what you need...I will do what I can!

Sheldon express..This is our life said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow you are so up beat when most would be mad. Good luck with the scans

Sheila said...

We are all praying! every single Johnson in this house is praying for you and your family. hugs.