Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer started

The kids are out for the summer and that means parents are running there kids to all their activities. The more kids you have the more you are prrobably running around. I hope yoU can get a break soon and enjoy your summer together relaxing at a beach, pool, campfire, eating ice cream, at a pier,on a boat, camping, at a cottage or other family Favorite spot. As for an update from me and my health. I have been on the same chemo drugs since last September. It is still treating me good in regards to side effects. Major side effects are a bad headache and no sleep the night I have a treatment. Then tired for two days. I am getting scheduled for a cat scan so that I will have the results before my next dr visit which is in July. Dr said we'll figure the next steps after we get those results. Family is doing good. Rachel has finished her physical therapy on her knee, and has worked on strengthening her quads so her knee is more stable. She is now entering the high school and has made the freshmen sideline cheer team. Which means she will be cheering for the football team on thursdays. Emily is currently doing a basketball camp through community ed. Next week she will be doing another basketball camp all day. She will be at the middle school and is planning on trying out for the basketball team and swim team and water polo team. She also plays the violin. And is officially taller than her older sister at 5'7. James is entering the 6th grade and will be the top dog in the school. I Can't believe the youngest is in his last year of elementary school. I'll have one at each school. James isn't sure he will sign up for football yet this fall. He will be doing an all day basketball camp next week. He would like to find or form a team to play on in the winter. He is also going to a lacrosse camp towards the end of July. Paul is done teaching his spring semester class since May and it has been nice to have him home in the evevning. The kids keep him hopping too. He normally teaches for Ferris State University or Grand Rapids Community College in the fall and spring. And also picks up cpr classes to teach too. Our pool has been used a lot already this summer and spring. We also have our tramp set up. This is our second summer with it. This year we have a safety net around it. Emily wants to use it as a summer sleep out. Happy Father's Day to all you daddy's out there! Thank you to everyone praying and thinking of me daily. Thank you for the meals during the rough days following treatment. Thank you for the surprise visits and phone calls another nice things all you wonderful things you great family members and friends do! Prayers and peace to you Kelly


Marcia H said...

Great to hear from you again Kelly. I'm relieved to hear that you are so upbeat, keep it up.

Forever in my prayers, love Marcia

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Hope you will be able to enjoy many great summer sunsets