Thursday, March 17, 2011

7 Good Days

Here's hoping the next 7 days are the best 7 days before my next treatment.  The weather is trying to cooperate with every one's attitude.  I'm feeling a lot better than the last posting I made.  Saturday I started feeling better and everyday has been better since.  I went to work the last three days for 1/2 day. Today I stayed home due to exhaustion.  Lots of naps are needed to keep the energy up. 
We have joined the Gilda's Club about a month ago.  It is a beautiful house, with a lot of things going on.It has been a good  thing for all of us.  We have not been to any Laughfest events yet. 
This next treatment I have will be number 3.  I think the doctor will schedule a C.A.T. scan after this treatment to see if there has been progress on the tumors.  After we receive the results we will decide if we continue on with this drug, change drugs or maybe even discontinue drugs because of phenomenal results!  I will pray for that.
We are going to Washington DC  the first week of APRIL. Thankfully with permission from the doctor back in January.  Since we had bought tickets prior to my diagnosis . Thankfully spring break falls after a treatment week.  We will be staying with Paul's brother Van in D.C. and I just found it will be Cherry blossom festival.  Ohhh how pretty that will be.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.
As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.

Buddy Hackett


Ana VanBragt said...

I've heard that cherry blossom time in Washington DC is amazing - have a wonderful spring break! I will pray that you are feeling fabulous that week! :) Wanted to let you know that Laura started softball practice this week and Mark Troy's twins are on her team again this year! It should be very fun - they say their team is looking good! We are saying lots of prayers over here for healing, good health and happiness for the Anglim family!

Anonymous said...

Great Quote - missed not having one on your last post. Have a great trip.

Anonymous said...

Hey, lookin forward to seeing you an the family; love DEB