Monday, June 4, 2007

Round #4

This was the worse week since starting treatments. My dosage was increased again and I was actually vomiting Tuesday night. Wednesday I went to the chemo center and had a bag of iv fluids. Another 3 hours at the doctors. But it was worth the visit cause my doctors nurse practicioner came in to see me and thinks that we should talk to the doctor again about the dosage and the way I feel. I will be voicing my opinion about the dosage of chemo and the effects it has on me. I want to be human while recieving this treatment. To think that I was told that "most people continue to work while recieving treatment" . I would like to meet one of those people.

Well the most important thing is "its working". The chemo and all the prayers. The tumor has shrunk. Pray for some strength and comfort for me . Can't hurt to ask right? I always believe you ask for it all. Doesn't mean you'll get it but it can't hurt trying. When you enter a tournament you don't just try to win a want to win the WHOLE D>>> THING! If you buy a lottery ticket you want to win big but your satisfied if you get your 2 dollars back. RIGHT? I know you all are here on this.

Paul is going to need a vacation from all of this real soon. I can't imagine being in his shoes either.

School is out in three days. The children are looking forward to not having to wake up early but we all know they will be crying that they are bored in the next two weeks. They all are signed up for some sort of sports camp. And then they will also take a fun summer class also. This all takes place in June.

I hope you are healthy and that summer treats everyone very nicely.

Never lose HOPE!

Thanks again for the prayers, the thoughts, the dinners, and all the other acts of kindness.



Anonymous said...

Kelly I will keep praying for you, I know you are strong and will get through this. I know my aunt just went through it and some weeks were worse then others. I hope your doctor understands that you need to be human while going through this and doesn't make your body go through the vomiting again.
Keep your chin up, tell Paul I say thanks for having someone check my car seat:)
~Mrs. Sheldon :)

Anonymous said...

Aunt Kelly,

If you need anything, please, don't hesitate to call. And, when your feeling up to it, I'd love to bring Damien over so you, Uncle Paul and the kids can visit with him.

You're in my prayers constantly and I hope the next round is better. Stay strong, you always have been.

Tell everybody I said hi.

Love Ya!


Anonymous said...

The love of the Lord is with you. If just one day of your suffering saves a soul you have done good. Put yourself in the Sacred Heart of Jesus these days and you will be comforted.

Anonymous said...

Kelly- Kally, every-time I read the blog I leave a comment but the number of responses does not change so for some reason you are not getting them. Yet I JUST want to tell nobody that I am praying for you. I also wanted to let you know that if there is anything I can do to help, you or Paul please let me know. May God give you strength to fight the good fight and may you find comfort on knowing that all ot this is temporary, I know difficult times feels like eternity.

Unknown said...

Hi, Kelly!

I'm sorry your last round was so terrible. But there is hope ahead! Yesterday I had my first round of Taxotere, and it is so much better! I felt much less ill last night, and today I would be able to go to work if I had to go out to a job. (I work part-time, from home.) Hang in there; better days are coming!

Oh, I would highly recommend that Look Good, Feel Better class to you. I felt like a new woman when I came out of there!
